Overview Of The History Of Wine

Wine production came about with the cultivation of grapes. During ancient times, wild grapes abound and were familiar to the people as shown by the ancient cave drawings of grape seeds. And then, grapes were then used as wine which in turn branched out to many uses in ancient society.

This drink was for the purposes of seduction, as a stimulant for courage during battles, reconciliation, sealing pacts, celebrating religious festivals and for rituals, etc. Grapes were grown domestically in Southern Caucasus and the Near East, especially in the Fertile Crescent area.

Historical records have shown the presence of wine growing in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. The first known source of wine production was discovered in Iran during 6,000 – 5,000 B.C. Grapevines and vineyards were unearthed in this place during that period. In Egypt, wine became a part of its ceremonies and rituals. The Egyptians produced white wine from the Muscat grapes which grew abundantly in Alexandria. Stomping on the grapes to extract the juice and allowed it to ferment in large vats were done by Egyptians.

The spread of wine making to other European places was attributed to the Phoenicians who were a seafaring people. They were able to reach places like Italy and Greece. Wine production in France, Germany, Italy, and other European countries dates back to the Romans and Celts who dominated Europe in the past.

During the glory of the Roman Empire, wine was served in lavish occasions. It was in the Middle Ages that wine making became a popular skill. Wine production technology improved as in the development of the wine press and the use of barrels. Wine was used in the religious rites of the Roman Catholics in their masses during the Medieval Europe. Christian monks of France and Northern Italy were responsible for producing wines and coming up with new wine varieties. They kept track of the types of grapes they have fermented and the details of the result. This turned to better improvement in wine production until France became the best wine-producing region in the world.

On the other side, the advocates of Islam, through Geber and other Muslim chemists, concentrated on the uses of wine for its medicinal and industrial benefits. Nowadays, wine has been studied by modern medicine and has been proven for its health benefits. Throughout world-wide society now, wine-production exists in other places. One of the new vintners of wine history are the Americas, Africa, and Australia.

Historically, wine has come a long way and is here to stay for better reasons.

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