If you haven’t planned one yet, a wine tasting party adds class to the usual weekend get-together with your family and friends. If you think this is up your alley, you’ll first need to know how many people are expected to attend. And just like any other formal or informal gathering, you need to send the invites at least two weeks ahead of time.
To make things easier you could just purchase a wine tasting kit which would include all the necessary things for a wine tasting party. If you prefer doing everything yourself you can make your own tasting cards that have the type of wine on it, the vineyard, the year and a description of the wine.
Your guests will need to take note of how the wine tastes and feels, so you can create cards for each one of them. If you would like to have your guests do what is called a “blind tasting,” then all you do is instead of writing the information on the card have the guest write down what wine they think it is with the year, vineyard, etc.
For your wine tasting decorations first, you want to keep the room well lit. A simple table cloth is the most basic thing you need to decorate, though you can also add class with vintage items. Choose the right wine glasses, because nobody wants to down one whole glass in one sitting in these parties. The perfect amount of wine to be served to each guest is two ounces of wine per glass, per wine, per guest.
When serving appetizers, or food to be eaten in between tastes, you can’t go wrong with plain bread or soda crackers. Everybody should have wine glasses in the party, naturally. Leave it at one to two glasses per guest. Water for rinsing glasses and some sort of bowl or bucket for discarding wine after each testing.
To get your guests in the mood, or to serve as after-party snacks, you can serve cheese or anything else light in flavor and texture. The temperature of all the wines being served should be room temperature to get the best flavor out of the wine. The final thing necessary for a wine tasting party is laughter and a good time had by everyone.
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